Feed editor - Custom

This screen allow you to add custom attributes to a feed. For custom feeds, this is the primary screen of the feed editor, while for other standard feeds, e.g. Google or Facebook, it's a helpful screen that allow you to add supplement data to optimize the feed.

Name - expression pairs

Custom fields are add in name - expression pairs. The Expression is evaluated at feed run to derive the value of the attribute for the item in context (the variant or the product being evaluated).

Custom fields rendering

  • For CSV/TSV feeds, custom fields will be added as columns to the file feed, with the name as the header field.
  • For Google Content API feeds, custom fields are added as product custom attributes. Some content API fields can only be submitted using custom attributes, including short titles.
  • For XML feeds, custom fields will become either a child tag, an attribute to the parent tag, or even part of the XML document, based on various XML specific options described below

XML specific options

  • CDATA: Wrap the data in an XML CDATA section


  • Raw: The result of expression will be embedded directly in the XML document, without being escape. This is helpful to generate nesting structures in the XML document. It's the user responsibility to have the value to generate valid XML fragment, otherwise it could jeopardize the generated XML structure.
Raw XML fragment get embedded directly in the document

  • Attribute: the value will become the attribute (or property) of parent tag instead of as a child tag. In the following setup, color and size are rendered as attributes while title is rendered as a sub-tag
Color and Size are rendered as entry attributes

  • Empty name field. Leaving the name field empty will have the value added directly into the XML document as a text node. The text will be properly escaped to avoid conflict with XML structure. In the following screenshot the text "<url>abc</url>" added to the XML as a text node properly escaped. The black color of the text in Preview window indicates that it's normal text, even when it contain an XML tag (<url/>). To make the <url> tag part of XML structure, use the Raw option.

Parent-child structure

Only applicable to custom XML feed, in which each item corresponds to a product (parent) with sub XML tags representing its variants (children).

Both the child group tag and child tag are customizable. In the following screenshot the child group tag and child tag are set to "variants" and "variant" respectively.

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