- The number of generated feed items is different from expectation
- Which feed type should I choose, API feeds or file (XML, CSV, TSV ) feeds?
- What are the access scopes that the app requires and how they are used?
- How to get your Google Shopping campaigns multilingual.
- I'd like to categorize my products on Google Shopping feeds into the required Google categories.
- UTM parameters in product feeds
- Find the Store Code for Google Shopping Local Product Inventory Feed
- I see that it is possible to select language in feed configuration. Does the app do translation to the feed data?
- Run feeds more frequently
- How are products and feeds counted towards my plan limit?
- I'm wondering if it's possible to change the title and description of a single product in a feed.
- How frequently are feeds run?
- I'm not sure why the products in my Italian feed have been pending initial review for weeks.
- Can a collection be included more than once across feed groups?
- Can I create multi-currency feeds using a 3rd party currency converter app other than the mighty Shopify Payments?
- What about that "magical" currency conversion?
- My shop only support English. Why the app allowing me to choose to target so many countries?
- Any hidden/unexpected fee?
- I want to include my whole product portfolio in multiple groups. Do I get charged multiple times?
- Do I get charged by the number of products in my shop?