Rule based settings
Rule based settings are supported in most of the feed data fields by turning on the Advanced input mode at the relevant field.
For example a rule-based setting for the Google product category field can set the category to "Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops" if the product title include the word "shirt", set it to "Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Pants" if it include the word "pants" and set it to "Apparel & Accessories > Clothing" for all other cases can be setup like in the screenshot below.Advanced input mode turned on to edit rule-based settings for Google product category field
In rule-based setting, the criteria are tested on the base expression from top to bottom and if a match is found, the corresponding outcome (the expression in the then clause) will be used to set the feed data (in this case the Google product category).
In the example above, Google product category is set to "Shirts & Tops" if the product title includes the word "shirt", if not then set to category "Pants" if the title includes "pants", or if none are matched, set to "Apparel & Accessories".
The base expression makes use of tokens to pull in the context data, and can even be a combination of them. In the screenshot, we use the Product title as the base expression, but it could be product description or any token listed in the drop-down at the end of the field.The list of the context data that can be used in the base expression
Rule can be removed by the button with the Minus icon (-) on the left and can be added by the Add criteria button with the Plus (+) icon on the top of the list (to the left of the base expression)
Rule conditions are regular expressions to test against the base expression. Editing regular expressions is difficult so we include a small "wizard" form when the Add criteria button is clicked for the most use cases.
Rule based settings are supported in most of the feed data fields, allowing flexible feed data for your diversified product portfolio. Below is another example of using rule-based settings for the Gender field