Upload a country or language feed to the Facebook catalog

Before creating a country and language feed, make sure the main feed is containing item information for your default language or country. This is the country where you do most of your business and the most common language your customers speak.

Country and language feeds contain localized versions of your item information such as price, title, description or size. Once your catalog contains this information, it can automatically display the correct version in your shop or ads to each customer. For example, people in the US see item descriptions in English and prices in USD, while people in France see descriptions in French and prices in EUR.

How to create a country or language feed for Facebook’s catalog

Please keep in mind that:

  • When creating a country or language feed, you select Facebook ad platform and then select option "Country/language feed type".

  • Each item must have the same content ID in your main feed and in your country or language feed. This allows Facebook to match each item with the correct localized information.

Therefore, if you previously used the Facebook channel app to generate the main feed, the Content ID format should be Variant ID. So, while creating a country or language feed in our app, you should use the same format (Variant ID) under the Basics tab as the video tutorial shows here.

You've had a country or language feed, you can upload it to your catalog.

Please watch the video below to learn how to upload a country or language feed to the Facebook catalog:

The following steps:

  • Data sources > Country and language feeds > Upload data feed file - Enter the Feed URL that you created in our app. You can copy the Feed URL here:

  • Save and upload file.     

Here is a video to help you know where to add the country and language feeds in the catalog:

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