Feed editor - Target

In this section of the feed editor you specify the target language, countries of sale and the currency for the feed. If the shop is multilingual/multi-currency, the available language and currency options will be enabled.

Following are the settings on the tab

  • Language provider. This decide the languages option for the feed. You can choose one of the following:
    • Standard Shopify multi-language support: The store published languages will be listed for language selection
    • GTranslate: For GTranslate users. A store front access token will be required to enable the option. Read more.
    • Weglot: For Weglot users. A Weglot API key will be required to enable the option. Read more.
  • Language host

    In GTranslate setup you need to assign dedicated URL for each translated languages (for example en.mystore.com. for English, fr.mystore.com for French, etc.). The language host needs to be added here, which will be used to pull the translation. Make sure that it is aligned with the setup in GTranslate, and use the Feed Preview to ensure that correct translations is pulled.

  • Feed locale. This set the language used to create feed data. If you are using Shopify multi-language compatible translator apps, you can select one of the published languages to create translated feed. Weglot and GTranslate users can start creating translated feeds by entering some integration data to the app as described in the Integrations section.Translated feeds is available for different types of translator apps
  • Market specific settings

    • Market product availability

Products can be published to different Shopify markets, making their availability market specific. For example a product could be available to sell in the US, but not in Canada. Select this option to have the right products include in the feed for a specific market. The app may ask for access to product publications data if it has not been granted.

    • Market-specific translations

Some language API compatible apps, including the Shopify Translate & Adapt, allow adding market specific translations. For example if English is the default language of your store, you might have French translations for France, and in the same time, French translations for Canada.

Important: Wrong use of market ID here will result in translations not being retrieved. Always use the feed preview whenever adding or editing feed to make sure that the translations are correctly retrieved.

In below srceenshot from Shopify Translate & Adapt application, the French translations apply to "All supported markets", hence the market ID is not required.

However in below screenshot, Canada market ID is required for the Canadian French translations to be retrieved.

There are 2 ways to get the market ID, depending on whether the app has been granted access to Shopify Markets or not

Without access to Shopify Markets, the input is a text field where you can copy and paste the market ID.

You can also grant access to markets by turning to the Information banner and click on "Grant access" and follow the instructions.

With access to Shopify Markets, the list of configured markets will be shown in a dropdown list for selection.

Although not required, it is recommended to grant Shopify Markets read access to the app. The following guide to get market ID is for backward compatible only and may stop working if Shopify change its admin interface.

To get the market ID without granting access to markets, in Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets > click on "Manage" next to the market

Copy the market ID from the URL and paste it into the app

  • Source currency: This is the currency used for pulling product prices. The options include only the currencies that are enabled by multi-currency feature of Shopify Payments.
  • Price list (optional): Select a price list to apply to pricing of this feed. This enable the support for Shopify international pricing, in which the price for a product can differ depending on the location of the customer surfing the store.

Advanced currency and price modification includes:

  • International pricing
    • There are two international pricing enabler options, Shopify Markets (recommended) and Global-E.
    • The country select allow to pick a market country, to which products are specifically priced.

For Shopify Markets enabled pricing, a message of price adjustment is displayed if the app has been granted read access to Shopify Markets data.

  • Custom feed currency. If your store does not support Shopify Payments, this is the alternative way to support a different currency other than the store default. Enabling this and you will be able to select a custom currency, and the exchange rate used to calculate the price value from the store currency. Selecting the Shopify exchange rate will make sure that everytime the price is calculated, the latest exchange rate is used.
  • Customize price/sale price. This define how the price and sale price attributes in the feed are composed. This present a powerful way to manipulate prices for cases like tax inclusion, skipping sales, etc. You can read more about Advanced price and sale price calculation here.
  • Price rounding. This is helpful to create friendly prices like USD 9.99 or EUR 12.95. This also help to avoid showing prices with to many numbers after decimal point.
  • Skip price currency. For TSV/CSV/XML feed, in some cases it might be desirable to have the price without currency in the feed, e.g. "50" instead of "50 EUR"

The Product URL options allowing control of how the link attribute is computed in the feed. The link attribute deserve special attention because it is the target of redirection after the customer clicking on the advertisement. 

  • Auto calculate product URL. Choose this option will let the app create the product link based on the selected language, currency and domain. The app will add the necessary components to the URL to reflect the selected options.
    • Domain for product URL. If your store support multiple domains, you can select a domain to be used to generate the product URL in the feed. If you choose the "Store default" domain, whenever the default domain is switched, the app will update the feeds to reflect the new domain.
  • Manually edit the product URL. Select this if you want to customize the product URL. You can for example modify tracking information to the URL, or edit locale parameters if the auto calculate option is not enough.

Target countries options

There are different options for target countries depending on the feed types:

Some non-Google feeds can have a target country option, including Facebook country feed and language country feed.

Google feed labels

For Google feeds, targeting is done via feed labels. For connected feeds, feed labels added via the app will get synchronized to GMC automatically. Feed labels created outside of the app (e.g. manually added in GMC) will not be affected.

Each feed label can associate with multiple target countries. Please note that in Google Shopping, this association works a bit different between an API feed and a file feed

  • In API feeds, the association with target countries is done via shipping, meaning feed items need to have shipping service for a country to be listed in ads targeting that country. Shipping can be configured in GMC settings, or (more preferably) by custom shipping entries which can be configured in Shipping tab. Important: Adding a country to the target countries list of an API feed label will NOT automatically targeting the country. Instead, the app will add a corresponding custom shipping entry for the country.

    In GMC, the target countries list of a API feed label synchronized from the app is empty, with a note in the Destinations column that the items will be "Shown in countries based on attributes"

  • For file feeds, adding a country to a feed label WILL target it. This is shown in GMCmore specifically

    However, shipping is still required for items to be approved for these target countries.

  • Shopping Ads excluded countries. This is helpful for Google Shopping to control Google auto extension to other countries. By default Google might duplicate the feed items in GMC to other countries, and in some cases consume all the items quota of the account. In such cases you can specifically exclude countries from being extended to by adding them into the exclusion list.

Google Shopping programs

Although Shopping ads and Free listing are the most common programs, Google Shopping include other programs (or sometime refered to as "destinations") that the feed items can be listed in:

  • Shopping ads [Shopping_ads] : Allow your products to show in Shopping ads. Learn about Shopping ads
  • Free listings [Free_listings] : Allow your products to appear in free listings on Google.
  • Buy on google listings [Buy_on_google_listings] : Allow your products to show in Buy on Google listings.
  • Display ads [Display_ads] : Allow your products to show in dynamic remarketing ads.
  • Local inventory ads [Local_inventory_ads] : Allow your products to show in ads to shoppers near your store.
  • Free local listings [Free_local_listings] : Allow your local products to appear in free local product listings on Google.

Programs availability are different from markets to markets. Each of the programs might have an onboarding process that a merchant needs to be completed to be enrolled.

Important: Specifying (either including or excluding) a program that the merchant account has not yet been enrolled in will result in errors. Make sure you know about the programs before hand. If in doubt, leave the field empty to include all available programs.

You can specify items to opt in (included destinations) or opt out (excluded destinations) of programs. How it's done slightly differ between an API feed and file feed

  • For API feeds, destinations can be specified for each feed labels
  • For file feeds, destinations can only be configured at feed level

    However per feed label destinations can be configured manually in GMC by checking/unchecking the coresponding checkboxes.


Leave the option blank to include feed items in all available programs.

Google destinations can be configured at product level, which will overide these feed level settings for both Google API and Google file feeds.

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